I'm going to try my hand at this blogging thing - this time about my number one passion: horses. Let me introduce you to my equine family:
Jessie: And that's her barn name, too. Jessie is an American Miniature Horse, bay pinto in coloring. Jessie is shy but very sweet once she gets to know you. I've had her for a little over two years. Jessie was rescued out of a hoarding situation in another county by my blacksmith. He gave her to me as a companion for my old mare, and she fills her role to perfection.
So Finee: Her barn name is Fina. Fina is a 23 year old grey Arabian mare, sired by the renowned Arabian race stallion, ZT Ali Baba. She was foaled in Brooksville, Florida and I have owned her since 1998. She managed to convince the humans in her life that a life of riding and work was not for her. She has spent nearly her entire existence as a pasture ornament, sliding by on her good looks and excellent breeding. She does, however, have one major accomplishment to her name: she gave birth to a beautiful colt in 2002. Read more about him below.

Ali Sabi: Barn name is either Ali or Sabi, or whatever else I choose to call him. He's a bright bay with four white socks and a teeny, tiny star. He's Fina's only foal and also a son of one of the overall best horses (in my opinion) who ever lived, KNA Khlone. When I say the overall best, I mean just that - not famous, nor infamous, just a wonderful, sweet, beautiful, kind horse who was loved and loving by and to everyone he encountered. On his sire's side, Sabi is a grandson of Khemosabi. There are a lot a stories to be told about Sabi: how he got here, my relationship with him, and my plans for our future. I hope to write about those things in the future on this blog.

LH Muscateer: Known around the barn as Aramis or Ari. Aramis is 20 years old and came to me less than a year ago as a semi-rescue. He was working as a hack horse in a riding stable - not the best career choice for an Arab, and not one as sensitve as Aramis. The gals who worked at the stable found out he was going to be sold and would likely be headed to auction. Unable to take him themselves, they mounted a campaign via an equine message board to find him a home. That's how I found him. Aramis is a bay with four white socks and a blaze and is a paternal grandson of Muscat. I have something for bay Arab geldings...
There were two others in my life, JA Raffonagan (Raif) and Cajun, who have both passed on due to complications of old age. Cajun was my first horse and he was the perfect first horse. Raif was the most affectionate horse I have ever known. I miss those two boys.
That's my equine family. As for me, I'm 47 years old. I have a great husband and we have two dogs, five indoor cats, and two outdoor cats in addition to the horses. I have always loved horses but did not own one until I was 31. I was late coming to horses, and I am still in the process of becoming the kind of horsewoman I want to be. I am passionate about horses - I want to know all that I can about them in every way. I want to understand and appreciate them, to advocate for them. Every day and night, rain or shine, hot or cold, that I am able to care for and interact with these noble creatures is a blessing. I am very fortunate.
My hope is this blog becomes somewhere I can share my thoughts, feelings, etc. about my horse life. Hope you will join me!