I'm an introvert. What a liberating statement this is for me. For many, many years I thought there was something "wrong" with me. I've always felt a little odd, out of place, a bit left of center, not mainstream, isolated from peers, not part of any group. I couldn't stand most of the antics of my high school peers. Why didn't I want to socialize with people? Run in packs of friends? Go here, there, and everywhere? I dread social events (unless they involve horse people and horse activities) As a child, I would be deeply embarrassed if I made a mistake in public or in front of peers - consequently, I pretty much shut up and shut down. I was told I was "hyper-sensitive" as if being sensitve and in tune to the world around me was a bad thing. "Too serious!" people would exclaim. I hate loud noises. When I was younger, I was categorized as an underachiever, when in reality I was terrified of putting myself in a position of getting unwanted attention and the possibilty of failure. What was wrong with me???
- We're not arrogant.
- We don't lack social skills.
- We are not necessarily depressed.
- We're not necessarily shy.
- We don't hate people. Well, not all of them.
- I'd rather be alone than in a group.
- I think waaaay too much and reside very much inside my own head.
- I would rather observe something before attempting it.
- I've been accused of being reserved or stuck up.
- I'm easily overwhelmed by stimuli: visual, auditory, etc.
- I need "me" time - and lots of it.
- I prefer to work for hours and hours uninterrupted on a project.
- When sharing deeper thoughts, I tend to speak slowly.
- I'd much rather have a deep, intellectual discussion one on one with someone than engage in meaningless chit-chat. Although, I can and do perform the meaningless chit-chat bit when required.
- Social occasions wear me out, even when they are enjoyable.
- I hate, I DESPISE, making and taking telephone calls. That's why I never call you.
You need to submit this stuff to places who pay people like you, who can write real well. How you write is relatable. Just saying, and not because you are my sister, an introverted sister at that!